Последние новости и события Oasis Spa Thailand
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- WE'RE IN THIS TOGETHER Tuesday, 31 Aug. 2021 04:41 PM Along with you, we are closely watching the impact COVID-19 is having on our communities. Although some of the branches are still closed due to government restrictions. Please be well and be patient... читать далее
- บัตรสมาชิกโอเอซิสสปา มูลค่า 10,000 บาท จำนวน 6 รางวัล Wednesday, 24 Feb. 2021 10:01 AM โอเอซิสสปา เปิดรับลูกค้าจำนวนมาก เพียงกรอก ชื่อ เบอร์ โทร เพ... читать далее
- Announcement Winner Spa Memberships Valued at 10,000 THB Wednesday, 24 Feb. 2021 09:47 AM We have the Lucky Winners!!!! Congratulations 1. Tossavat Tipakrapan (February 21) 2. นพดล ตัณศลารักษ์ (March 21) Thank you all for participating in our... читать далее
- Win 1 of 6 Spa Memberships Valued at 10,000 THB Wednesday, 24 Feb. 2021 09:40 AM At Oasis Spa, we love you and we want to give back something to make you feel healthier and more relaxed. We are giving away FREE spa memberships to express our appreciation for your support in the... читать далее
- Temporary Service Suspension Notice in Pattaya Wednesday, 6 Jan. 2021 05:02 PM Dear Valued Customer, The global spread of COVID-19 is affecting all of us. Regretfully, the Thai Government has recommended that all gathering places be closed to prevent the spread of the... читать далее